This section is about print and electronic resources and systems. NHS staff use them to discover and obtain the evidence they need to be able to make effective decisions.
NHS Knowledge and Library Hub
The new discovery service for NHS staff and learners
Holdings Link Management
How full text content links with Hub search results.
LibKey products
Find out more about the LibKey products and how they work with the Hub
Authentication and identity management
How NHS staff are identified and given access to resources
Reference management software
For use with results retrieved from the provider databases and other sources.
Regional library management systems
Find our more about HEE plans for regional LMSs
What is bought nationally?
The types of eresources purchased and by whom
Buying print and eresources
Collection development
Guidance on developing and managing your collection
Lists the ebooks available to NHS staff
Open access
An overview of open access and repositories
Inter-lending and document supply
Requesting journal articles and books from other NHS libraries
Current awareness bulletins
For bulletins produced by NHS libraries
Service Desk
How to raise support calls and find answers to questions NHSE funded systems and content
eResources usage
Make informed decisions with usage data
Promotional resources
For marketing resource discovery content and systems to your users.
Resource discovery training
Training on resource discovery systems
NHS CLA Licence Plus, library privilege and support
Essentials list
A list of essential websites and software which should be accessible by NHS staff
About the workstream
More about the Resource Discovery workstream
Quick guide to resource discovery
FInd out how resource discovery systems fit together and who's responsible for what
Wessex Classification
A classification and subject indexing scheme designed for healthcare libraries in the UK