Buying print and electronic resources for your knowledge and library service.
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NICE Electronic and Print Content Framework Agreement
NHS and other health and social care related organisations may use this Framework to buy:
- electronic and print journals and books
- bibliographic and full text databases
- aggregated evidence resource summaries
See the provider grid for a list of appointed suppliers of these resources, and the Framework for more information.
Why use the Framework? – Save time and effort. Get value for money. Make informed purchasing decisions.
Pre-populated call-off order forms are now available for the following suppliers of titles or collections for purchase by direct award under Lot 1 of the framework:
- Mark Allen
- ProQuest
- Sage
- Wiley
- Wolters Kluwer
National deals
We have neogiated several deals with suppliers for content:
- Wiley Medicine and Nursing Collection
- Mark Allen Collections: MA Healthcare Complete; Internurse; Internurse and Intermid
- KnowledgeShare
Negotiations focus on these principles:
- equity and transparency across the whole of the NHS in England
- pricing by relevant workforce numbers rather than bed counts
Contact the Knowledge for Healthcare team on [email protected] for more information.
Page last reviewed: 15 June 2021