Information about this workstream.

Our focus is to give NHS staff quick and easy access to relevant digital resources at the point of need, and minimise the time library staff spend managing resources and systems.

The workstream is led by Louise Goswami and Lucy Reid.

Members of the team

Louise Goswami,  Deputy Chief Knowledge Officer

Lucy Reid, Deputy Head of Knowledge and Library Services [Resource Discovery].

Alan Fricker, Knowledge and Library Hub Manager.

Richard Bridgen, Knowledge and Library Services Development Manager [Resource Discovery], East of England and the South.

Hélène Gorring, Knowledge and Library Services Development Manager [Resource Discovery], Midlands, London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

Becky Williams, Knowledge and Library Services Development Manager [Resource Discovery], North.

Fran Wilkie, Service Support Manager.

Jade Brunt, Service Support Advisor.

Ella Hale, Service Support Advisor.

Brenda Welbeck, Service Support Advisor.

Contact the team on [email protected].


The resource discovery strategy may be found on pages 39-40 of Knowledge for Healthcare 2021-6 to see the workstream's strategy and driver diagram.

The driver diagram is also available in an accessible format.

A video on the Knowledge for Healthcare Framework 2021-6 and the Resource Discovery workstream.  It is narrated by Helen Bingham, former Resource Discovery Lead, and was recorded in May 2021.

Video: KfH and Resource Discovery

An introduction to the Knowledge for Healthcare Framework 2021-6 and Resource Discovery with Helen Bingham.

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Helen Bingham: Hello, I'm Helen Bingham. I lead the resource discovery workstream for Knowledge for Health Care.

This short session focuses on what knowledge for health care proposal in relation to digital knowledge, resources, discovery and delivery.

Here is a reminder of the ambition of knowledge for healthcare paraphrases.

The right knowledge and evidence used at the right time and in the right place to make a positive impact on health care.

So what needs to be done around digital resources and systems to deliver this ambition?

As with the first iteration and knowledge for health care, we use driver diagrams to shape and to describe the strategy. Here's the high level knowledge for health care driver diagram.

The ambition right knowledge and evidence, right time right place is on the left. On the right are the 5 high level strategic outcomes that together will drive delivery of the ambition.

The highlighted one - that staff and learners make optimal use of high quality knowledge and evidence resources at the point of need is the focus of the resource discovery workstream. We paraphrase it as quick and easy access to digital knowledge resources.

This slide is the driver diagram for resource discovery. It identifies the 4 specific outcomes we believe we need to deliver the strategic outcome of quick and easy access to knowledge and evidence resources.

Listed there in the middle we have more central and coordinated content procurement.

More cohesive and streamlined systems and processes.

Want to end up partnership working so HE, working with Arbor arms length Bodies HD, working with library teams, library teams working together.

And finally, maximizing use of resources and demonstrating value for money.

In turn, is a bunch of interventions to drive those outcomes.

They're in the right hand column.

There's more detail in the strategy documents.

The rest of this presentation, I'd just like to highlight the key current priorities.

Number one is extending central and collaborative procurement. Library staff repeatedly tell us it would be good if more resources were purchased nationally. We know that more central procurement would make access to knowledge resources less of a post code lottery for healthcare staff. It would get us better prices. It would free up at least some of the time currently spent on local e-resource procurement and management.

Currently 75% of NHS investment in digital knowledge resources take place at local trust level. We believe it should be the other way round. 75% of investment taking place at national level. 25% at local level to meet particular local needs. Turning this around is not going to be easy. Most HE funding flows from the center to local organisations. But we'll renew our effort to make the case both for more national investment and for pooling of local funding, where this makes sense.

We will also renew our efforts to influence other arms length bodies to collaborate with AG on investment in new resources. And our efforts with publishers to ensure their pricing is fair and transparent based on likely actual users and a realistic assessment of value.

The second key priority areas streamlining the infrastructure. With the current national infrastructure only covering bibliographic databases and journals, it wasn't meeting sufficient of the need of sufficient to the workforce. End users, discovery research highlights the many frustrations faced by NHS staff and learners trying to access the knowledge resources they need for their roles.

We've been seeing a year on year decrease in searches and in full text downloads. And a year on year increase in libraries investing in local discovery services to supplement the national infrastructure. So we've been able to make the case for a national discovery service, and this slide sets out the vision for the service. The critical bit here, the USP. Is the connection to local library support key products we're using as the basis of the service will be EBSCO discovery and full text Finder and libke from third iron. The National Discovery Service is only part of the picture, and there are other elements of the infrastructure which need to slot together and join up to support smooth user journeys and efficient library workflows, library management systems or LMS obviously critical to the day-to-day operation of library services. There are shared LMS, some parts of the country, but many instances of single service LMS and over 90 instances of LMS in total.

Our plan is to transition to a chief funded regional LMS across the country. Cool design criterion guiding

principles for knowledge of health care include economy of scale, opportunity for standby zation, best use specialist skills, effectiveness and efficiency, and we believe that regionally shared and domestic all those boxes.

Our vision is that the regional LMS will integrate with the national discovery layer so that discovery service users can find locally held content on borrow Renew books. And in order to help streamline interlibrary lending and document supply processes, so the National Discovery Service will make it easy for users to request item not to be available in full text with prepopulated requests delivered to the relevant local library service.

But we envisage two further developments library staff being able to manage these requests within their LMS without the need for copying and pasting and also library staff having a view of the national link Resolver Holdings which works as a national holdings list for sourcing interlibrary loans.

A third strategic priority is meeting the needs of expert searchers. The National Discovery Service is being designed to meet the needs of the majority of the workforce, but we must clearly also support the needs of advanced and expert searchers, including library knowledge specialists, the healthcare databases, advanced search H dash used by many librarians, has had to be decommissioned.

So there's no work to be done at paste.

When sure, the database provider interfaces are optimally configured for NHS use to provide librarians with access to reference management software. And to ensure that health care librarians across the country have the skills, confidence, and support they need to continue to develop and hone their search skills and expertise.

We also need to make just as use of new and emerging technologies, whether to support number searched or expert searchers, or to improve backoffice processes .

Open Access. This is the final priority area I'm going to cover my final slide like everyone else in the NHSH is committed to the principle that research outputs funded by the NHS should be feeling immediately available to all.

The removal of paywalls and the transition from paying to access to pain to publish will have far reaching impact on all of our work. So with lots of organisations, librarians already work in this area. What should a cheese roll be?

This slide indicates the areas we think we should focus on include education awareness. So doing centrally what we can to help. Local library staff educate, inform and influence individuals and organizations. Negotiating with publishers. Working with disc, for instance, to explore the extent to which  transformative agreements are also known as read and publish agreements in higher education, might be extended to the NHS.Optimizing Open Access resources and repository content within the National Discovery Service and coordinating strategic collaboration.

Most dangerous organisations think Open Access, good idea, but the NHS in England doesn't yet have a joined up policy and strategy isn't presenting a united front to publishers, so there's much to be done.

That concludes my presentation.

Thank you very much for listening and thank you for all the support, suggestions and feedback that you and your colleagues have provided along the way so far.

Your input will continue to be invaluable, so please keep the questions and suggestions coming.

Media last reviewed: 5 September 2022


Resource Discovery Reference Group

The NHSE Resource Discovery Team take advice from a wider reference group, whose membership includes NHS librarians, an HEI librarian, and colleagues from NICE.


The role if the group is to:

  • ensure workstream planning and activity reflects the principles and values of Knowledge for Healthcare, and existing and emerging end-user and library staff needs
  • put in place processes to effectively capture and understand end-user and library needs.
  • ensure resource discovery and delivery activity at regional and local levels aligns and integrates with national strategy.
  • identify trends and developments.
  • identify and manage barriers and risks.
  • ensure effective communication and engagement.
  • promote resources, systems and work stream outputs.
  • identify and exploit opportunities for partnership working.

See the reference group’s terms of reference.

Contact the Knowledge for Healthcare team on [email protected] for any of the group's documents in an accessible format.


Stephen Ayre, Sarah Lanney and Gary Meades [KLS Managers] - East of England and the Midlands.

Kaye Bagshaw, Holly Case Wyatt, Catherine Micklethwaite [KLS Managers] - London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, and the South.

Vicky Bramwell, Steve Glover, Paul Stevenson and Suzanne Wilson [KLS Managers] - North.

William Henderson [Higher Education Institutions].

Lucy Reid  [NHSE] - Chair.

Alan Fricker, Hélène Gorring, Richard Bridgen, Fran Wilkie and Becky Williams [NHSE].

Celestine Johnson, Lee Dobson and Mark Salmon [NICE].


Both of these groups report into the Resource Discovery Reference Group.

NARAG manages NHS OpenAthens authentication and its regional administraton.

SINC manages the reciprocal inter-library loan and document supply scheme (INC) for NHS libraries in England.

Library Management Systems

More information on the management and governance of regional LMSs is available from the regional library management systems pages.

Change Advisory Board

Proposals to change or enhance Resource Discovery products and services are evaluated at the monthly Change Advisory Board.

NICE/HEE MoU monitoring meetings

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) describes the respective responsibilities of the two organisations.  It includes Key Performance Indicators.  MoU monitoring meetings are held quarterly.

Page last reviewed: 29 August 2023