Resources for partnerships and networking
Patient information resourcesA set of resources to help develop local partnerships.

For use when making the initial connection to forming a multi-sector network of health information professionals.
Getting started
To begin your new partnership or network, we have collated some guidance on developing these relationships. You could use this example programme to support training or to raise awareness locally.
We have also created a draft memorandum of understanding for your new partnership along with a draft terms of reference for a new network and even a draft agenda for the first meeting. With these tools, you are well on your way to a dynamic network.
PowerPoint slide packs
Pack 1- Setting the scene. This pack sets the scene as to who we are as KLS, what Knowledge for Healthcare is, and information on the patient and public information workstream.
Pack 2- Getting started. This pack contains ideas, information, and reasons to get involved with patient and public information.
Pack 3- Prioritisation exercise. This pact shows you how to perform a prioritisation matrix exercise to find efficient working sub-groups and to find the most important new ideas for your group.
Group activities
Train the trainer workshop
Workshop feedback: 2 attendees at the South West PPI Workshop (Jan 2017) wrote an article about the day
Contact the Knowledge for Healthcare team on [email protected] for any of the documents in an accessible format.
Patient and Public Information Train the Trainer Webinar
This is a recording of the 4th May 2017 training webinar for staff who wish to learn about and use the resources from the Knowledge for Healthcare Library & Knowledge Services Patients & Public Information Workstream 2015-17.
Transcript not available.
Media last reviewed: 5 September 2022
Page last reviewed: 5 September 2022