Prioritisation matrix
The priority matrix exercise is a useful exercise to help you rank your ideas and opportunities.
When you are faced with a list of ideas and opportunities it is useful to have an exercise that helps prioritise those ideas that would have most impact on the audience and easiest to accomplish.
There are many parts that can be added to this exercise depending on time constraints, not all of these need to be done in 1 session.
Each table has flipchart paper, pen and the list of ideas on sticky labels (Appendix – list of suggested ideas but you can amend to your own – print these on sticky labels or ask each group to write on post-it notes).

Step 1
Each table should draw this large matrix on the flipchart.
Step 2
Place the stickers in turn where you feel they should go in the grid depending on how easy you feel they would be to implement and how useful they would be to patients/public.
Nominate 1 person to take notes on discussions that occur with each sticker – noting any barriers envisaged or reasons not to do it.
Step 3
Add 3 more of your own ideas to the grid using post-it notes (some of the ideas on the labels are quite broad – you could suggest a specific action from one of the above that you feel is more achievable).
Put initials by each idea for every person on your table who already does/has done this action. (These people could be asked to give a quick summary on how they achieved this at the next session). Or you could ask all participants to initial those already doing and those ideas that they want to do in future.
Step 4
Look at the actions in the lower right hand square and discuss what actions might be taken to move these up towards the Easier to implement half of the grid. Please make notes to write up afterwards – any suggestions of who can help you make these actions easier to achieve?
Step 5
After meeting, write up results by making an order of priority from top right corner being easiest to implement and with most impact on patients – these should be the priority recommended actions for KLS staff.
In the next session they can develop actions on how to implement these.