The barriers and drivers game can be used to identify blockers and opportunities.

The barriers and drivers game is adapted from the popular forehead detective game. In this game, a post-it note with a name on is placed on a participant's forehead. They must then guess who they are by asking a series of yes / no questions.


To work out the barriers and drivers for NHS Libraries and patient and public information.

How to play

There are many variants of this, but the principle remains the same.

  1. A pile of upside-down post-it notes are put on every table or handed out before the activity begins.
  2. One person takes a note from the bottom of the pile.
  3. That person has either a barrier or driver stuck on to their forehead in a way that everyone can read the name except them.
  4. By asking questions with yes/no answers, everyone has to work out what driver or barrier they are.
  5. Once one person has guessed their post-it note the next workshop participant picks up a note and sticks it to their forehead and this happens until everyone has had a turn or the time for the activity has run out!


  • security
  • resources
  • facilities
  • funding
  • time
  • training


  • improve patient care

  • improve health literacy

  • enable self-care