NHS Knowledge and Library HubThe timescale for Hub developments.
How additional systems will be integrated to deliver a seamless end-user experience and a more streamlined KLS staff journey.
2021 - 2022 phase 1
The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub was rolled out with linking to Core Content and local journal holdings for users across the NHS in England.
The Library Management Systems for the South West, Midlands, London, South East, North East and East of England were integrated into the Hub.
For these users, searches of the Hub include local book collections.
The AMBER repository was integrated nationally to support access to materials. This reflects the national nature of this collection and provided learning about integrations of this type.
2022-24 - phase 2
Two more regional Library Management systems are being integrated in 2023/24 (North West, Yorks and Humber).
Development to support better user experience, such as the BMJ Best Practice placard, are being pursued.
Further repository integrations are anticipated.
The new User Interface for EBSCO Discovery Service will be explored for a potential implementation during this period.
Page last reviewed: 19 July 2023