Keep up-to-date with best practice
Knowledge mobilisation toolkitSome tools and tips to help everyone with best practice and keeping up to date
Activities, tools, and tips
Investigative searching - to search for and identify, based on specified criteria, records/data/documents, etc which have been stored on a database or on the Internet
Horizon scanning - this is a process to identify potential trends, opportunities, new technologies or threats that could impact on your area of interest
Alerting services - keep up-to-date in your desired area of interest with an alert
Policy briefings - brief concise summaries on a particular issue
Facilitating action learning sets - action learning sets are groups of people within the workplace that meet up with the purpose of solving workplace problems

Case studies
Clinical guidelines
The creation of a database of clinical guidelines on the intranet
Document management solution
The creation of a Trust wide centralised document storage system
Knowledge capture tools
The capture of innovative practice at Public Health England
Knowledge legacy
The design of an interactive session to consider the retention of retirees' knowledge
Leavers' toolkit
The creation of a toolkit to capture leavers' knowledge
Publications database
The setting up of a searchable bank of Trust publications
Page last reviewed: 16 June 2021