Evidence searches for commissioning
Guidance for this type of search.
The suggested time to allocate to this search: 4-8 hours.
Please read:
- "All evidence searches" (see "Quick links") before proceeding
- and the "Supplement" section for examples of this type of search
Establish the precise purpose of the search. Is the requestor:
- commissioning a new service?
- decommissioning an old one?
- redesigning an existing one?
If changes to a service are being made, or a new service is being commissioned, what are they being based on
- is it related to a government initiative?
- is the aim to copy best practice from elsewhere (‘do once and share’)?
Establish how sensitive information regarding this search is. For example, if it is about decommissioning, the requester may not wish for the information to be shared or discussed publicly.
Generally, focus on resources that have economic evaluations or healthcare economics or social return-on-investment (ROI) figures in them, or that report on system-wide impacts.
See the suggested resources in Health Business and Technology and also Evidence Searching for a Business Case.
If these searches retrieve nothing, search appropriate bibliographic databases, limiting results to the last 5 years and/or preprint servers.
Search Google for key terms
Search Google or other search engines for key terms, or a product’s or manufacturer’s name, or include terms such as:
- “service models”
- “service standards”
- “service specifications”
This can unearth NHS Trust/government sites reporting where similar services have been de/commissioned.
Limit by domain
You may want to search through other NHS organisation policies and publications via an advanced Google search: include “NHS” in your terms, and/or specify your country as UK, and/or limit the search to sites ending with “…nhs.uk” using the limits site:nhs.uk or inurl:nhs. Use inurl:hscni for Northern Irish content or inurl:nhs.wales for Welsh content.
See "Advanced Google" in "Quick links" within for more information.
Consider an email to mailing lists where KLS colleagues at other Trusts may be able to help, see mailing list enquiries.
Make sure the full text of the results you return are open access, as far as possible, as the requester will likely be sharing the results with a multi-disciplinary (even multi-organisational) team.
For each of your results, provide a top-line summary of what the service cost, what it improved, and what money it saved/brought-in.