Appendix 3: Input from the EoE and KSS ‘gains and pains’ workshops (December 2020 to February 2021).

Of all the ‘jobs to be done’ by library staff which were explored during these workshops, ILDS was the one that attracted the most ‘votes’. Voting was an informal process whereby workshop participants added a vote to the issues which ‘resonated’ with them.

Requirements  Score 
Overall workflows look and feel 32
Web and mobile working 39
User records and users  41
Reports  41
Cataloguing  14
Acquisitions  14
Vendor support and services  9

Issues for ILDS 

The workshop participants voted on which issues for ILDS  'resonated' with them.

Issues for ILDS Votes

A better way to manage ILL

Tedious ILL process

Smoother ILL process

Streamline the ILL process - especially the receiving process

Automatic importation of requests into request module - less keying in of citations

ILLs linked to other systems catalogues for journals and books and seamless integration with external systems

Integration with other LMS in other regions - so that ILL requests appear directly into our ILL module request list.


Direct links from search to other catalogues. Not in KSS - then straight to SWIMS and so on from within workflows

Integrated holds between other regions? outside region should made easier
Searching for an ILL request by name takes time  It would be nice to have a search by name option, instead of users ID no: 2

If it were possible to supply [article] downloads via the LMS then it would save time on recording the downloads afterwards.  What I mean is that any downloads sent to people have to be recorded on Sirsi afterwards.

The ability to upload documents -PDF of doc from ILL
An option for the emailing of ILL requests to other libraries and to customers through the system so that it would be secure. 3
More straight forward process for ordering from BL on Demand 1
Having to re-input data for ILLs - no continuity 6
Customers being able to request an item and the system automatically send the request the owning library 5