EoE/KSS article request process
EoE example (edited)
Job/Task/Problem to be solved/job-to-be-done
Meeting the information needs for specific (requested) resources for doctors, other NHS staff and students
‘Jobs’ can be prioritised by ‘scoring them:
Importance (1=not important; 5=critical) Rating = 5
Frequency (1=rarely; 5=very frequent) Rating = 5
Frustration (1=very happy; 5=very frustrated) Rating = 3
Score (importance + frequency x frustration) Score = 30
Analysing the ‘job’
Why is the specific job important? Why do you care? What is the fundamental problem you are is facing?
- It’s critical to the user to get what they need—The right resources to the user- e.g. for
- patient care -i.e. to help doctors help patients
- Personal/professional development for staff - e.g. those doing courses, etc
- I like to know I am helping them get what they need -so I try to get things turned round quickly
What is the normal process currently used to solve the problem? What products/services are used now to get the job done?
- We receive (mostly via email - or in person) references (to e.g. journal articles) from the user
- Check availability-is it available locally, via the internet, downloadable via Athens
- Check locally within region (ELMS)
- If not on ELMS we check via other consortia - Panda SWIMMs etc. ELMS can link to those regional consortia to check holdings
- Type in journal article-will get a list of libraries with holdings
- We have a set procedure -a rota -start with PANDA -if they haven’t got it go to next one
- Once we locate the holdings, we place an request/order for it on the Sirsi LMS. It’s bit -like creating a new record from scratch. We enter the specific journal details year, volume etc we also add suppling library (so we know what library it comes from). The LMS generates a request number and sends an email to lending library
- The supplying library should reply to email they get from Sirsi -because it includes the request number They supply via PDF (But some send the email direct to the library without the request number (see “What don’t you like about the process” section below)
- With request number -go onto LMS ILL module -comes up with the details and who it is for.
- Action it on the LMS as complete
- I email PDF (email includes the with copyright notice) to the user
What alternatives/secondary strategies do you consider when going through this process? Why do/might you select this alternative option?
- We can go to BL-as last resort (because of cost)
- May (rarely) use the (Research Solutions) Reprint service [30] - if usual BL channel can’t supply due to copyright
- Use the HealthILL list [31]
- May use Health Libraries Network [32] -where there are additional ways to get a resource
What do you like about the option (s) used at the moment?
- Generally the turnover is pretty fast-a lot is done same day
What don’t you like about the process used now to get the job done?
- Little glitches can stand in the way of it running smoothly e.g.
- When we receive an article without request number I have to search through a lot a steps to be able to receipt it-find out the person who ordered the article-search for them on Siris to get ID number. Then use the ILL module and type in their ID in order to get request number. On ILL module no option to search by name
Thinking more about the question above --what are the *really* frustrating issues in getting the job done now?
- See above -this happens quite often
Motivations, barriers, solutions and opportunities
What objectives do you use to evaluate the solution to getting their job done? E.g. Ease of use, available at home etc.
- Easy to use –it is so clunky
- Accuracy -Getting the right information to start with. Getting the right information to be able to source the article
- Quickness of turnover
- Joined up - ability to do it all straight away
What barriers limit the current solutions to getting the job done? (typically functional things like skills required, time, cost, accessibility)
- Guidance has not been clear from day one—I get on with it but others can find this a barrier.
- We need a better step-by-step guide to help colleagues that find the ILL process a pain so I have to help them out
What opportunities exist for innovative solutions? (Where are there gaps for (innovative) solutions?)
- A more joined up ILL module—all information in one place -not so many disconnected steps
KSS example (edited)
Job/Task/Problem to be solved/job-to-be-done
Meeting the information needs for specific (requested) resources for doctors, other NHS staff and students
‘Jobs’ can be prioritised by ‘scoring them: Score the above job.
Importance (1=not important; 5=critical) Rating = 5
Frequency (1=rarely; 5=very frequent) Rating = 5
Frustration (1=very happy; 5=very frustrated) Rating = 2-3
Score (importance + frequency x frustration) Score = 20-30
Analysing the ‘job’
Why is the specific job important? Why do you care? What is the fundamental problem you are is facing?
- We are in the businesses of enabling users to have access to knowledge
- I want them to get what they want quickly
Public service ethos - help users to access to knowledge and information What is the normal process currently used to solve the problem? What products/services are used now to get the job done?
- We are demand lead - so the process starts with the user needing an article
- User makes a request (mostly) via email or LMS app, or call, or come into the office
- Also deal with requests from other libraries
- Two approaches
- If it’s an ILL from another library -they have looked at catalogue so they know we have it. So we can find it, scan it and send a (typically Journal article) PDF
- If it’s from one of our users—we check to see if we have and then process it just as above.
- If we don’t have subscription.
- Start search on catalogues---LMS access to KSS holdings
- If not available on LMS search outside regions- use internet to search other e.g. SWIMS catalogue—there is an order of preference we follow
- We find it and go *back* into LMS to create request. We hope user is a library member or we have to use our name (we can’t set up ‘ghost records because of GDPR
- The above generates an email to library that has the article. Email is in a fixed format with all details for the article (or book)
- Can also request from BL
- Sit back and wait for it (the is a reminder function in LMS).
- Keep tabs on request -have them all in a box (i.e. the printouts of the ILL forms)
- Resource arrives. I go into the request function on LMS -use reply tab “ILL satisfied”
- Then go into cataloguing and identify which library network supplied the doc (against request ID
- Then check it out to person we have got it for -call up their details
- Mark it as received (LMS doesn’t auto complete)
- If loan to book the user has to register on LMS -we have to check it out -we have to change item ID
- If article email PDF to user (very rarely have to print it out)
What alternatives/secondary strategies do you consider when going through this process? Why do/might you select this alternative option?
- I.e. approaches not involving the LMS - I’ll do whatever it takes
- Google the article title- might be available from that
- Check Research Gate
- Check university websites
- Might be a free (open) access copy (e.g. from above)
What do you like about the option (s) used at the moment?
- I don’t *like* it but at least there is a process set out - and it does deliver
- Catalogue is reasonably OK at finding stuff
What don’t you like about the process used now to get the job done?
- Bad user interface- not intuitive - Very rigid
- System should know who the user the resource is for for-it’s not making use of info already in the system
- Each area of LMS is blocked off -no short cuts -so can’t get always to the bit I need I need
- No back button or right click
- Screens should reflect the task you are doing -at the moment you get lots of unnecessary options
- Can’t go into user record to see what *documents* they have been sent
- Can’t generate user communication within the LMS
- Would like ability to enter notes without them popping up
Thinking more about the question above --what are the *really* frustrating issues in getting the job done now?
- Fact that when I’m search for journal - I can’t seamlessly go to other sources (catalogues)- should see KSS stuff first
- We expect search to be Google like
Motivations, barriers, solutions and opportunities
What objectives do you use to evaluate the solution to getting their job done? E.g. Ease of use, available at home etc.
- Easy to use-pleasant (not annoying!) to use
- Quick is key -efficient- I try to get everything done asap
- It must deliver-I have to have confidence it does work
- Configurable- freedom for me to change things e.g. for my personal needs e.g. my eyesight
What barriers limit the current solutions to getting the job done? (typically functional things like skills required, time, cost, accessibility)
- Complexity
- Boxy -have to go from one thing to the next—
- Terminology is US or obscure (e.g. ‘shadow’ record)
What opportunities exist for innovative solutions? (Where are there gaps for (innovative) solutions?)
- Web interface so end user can discover a resource, request it and then there should be a more automatic process from there
- Gaps -have to run reports for things that should be ‘integral’
- Ability to do *everything* in the LMS -e.g. esp. communication to users
[30] Research Solution Reprints Desk https://info.reprintsdesk.com/
[31] HealthILL -- Inter-library Loans request list for health libraries