At a glance summary for supplying copies to other libraries
ILDS and copyright in the NHS guidanceSummary of guidance for NHS libraries supplying copies to other libraries.
A To a library covered by the CLA Licence for the NHS in England5
Which licence/ legislation is relevant?
CLA Licence for the NHS in England.
Does the other library need to have obtained a written/ticked declaration?
Are there any restrictions on WHAT or HOW MUCH can be copied?
Almost every journal and book owned by/subscribed to by the NHS is covered by the CLA Licence, but to be sure, use the CLA Check Permissions tool at (select Public Sector Licence).
You may copy up to two articles from a single journal issue (or any number from a themed issue) and up to one chapter or 5% of a book (whichever is greater) but there is no restriction on the number of copies that may be made. Use statement 1.
If the journal is not covered by the CLA Licence, you may supply a Library Privilege copy, as below.
B To a not-for- profit library not covered by the CLA Licence for the NHS in England
Which licence/ legislation is relevant?
Library Privilege permissions in the Copyright Act.
Does the other library need to have obtained a written/ticked declaration?
Are there any restrictions on WHAT or HOW MUCH can be copied?
You may only copy one article per journal issue, or up to one chapter or 5% of a book. Use statement 2.
5 This includes HEI and other non-NHS libraries contracted to provide library services to the NHS. For project related sharing, it also includes libraries in “collaboration partner” organisations.
Page last reviewed: 20 November 2023