Case studies
Statistics toolkitTemplate to frame case studies on how local or national statistics have made a difference
The statistics champions have devised these additional questions to ask yourself for each heading in the Metrics section.
Metric definition
Use this field to give your case study a defined title
Include the type of metric you used in your case study
Why is it important?
What were you aiming to find out from gathering and analysing the statistics?
Process for compiling the metric
Make sure appropriate detailed information is provided for your case study
Is there enough information for another service to replicate your case study in principle?
What does it mean?
What was the impact achieved?
How did you interpret and analyse the data?
Were any tools used to support the process?
What was the value of using the statistics?
Desired outcomes
Were the metrics compared with the previous equivalent period/regional or national equivalent data sources?
Improvement plans
How frequently will you review/revisit?/
What are the lessons learnt from the process?
Page last reviewed: 15 June 2021