Health literacy and patient information workstream's strategic drivers
The workstream's driver diagram in accessible format.
Primary driver
Staff, learners, patients and the public are better equipped to use evidence based patient, health and wellbeing information for shared decision making and self-care.
Secondary drivers
- Healthcare organisations and systems take assurance that staff and patients are able to use evidence based patient, health and wellbeing information to support self care and shared decision making.
- Healthcare staff identify and use high quality sources of patient, health and wellbeing information appropriate to the health literacy needs of patients and carers.
- Information providers across the wider system have health literacy awareness and use evidence based sources of patient, health and wellbeing information.
Knowledge and library staff champion health literacy skills, underpinned by digital literacy skills.
(links to secondary drivers indicated by numbers in brackets)
- enable the healthcare system to provide evidence based patient, health and wellbeing information for their workforce to offer to patients and carers (1, 2)
- demonstrate the expertise of library and knowledge specialists in providing the evidence base for the production of patient information content (1, 2, 4)
- with partners improve the health literacy awareness and digital literacy skills, including digital navigation, of the health and care workforce including learners (1, 2, 3, 4)
- promote and enable the use of evidence based health and wellbeing resources by the health and care workforce and learners to meet the diverse needs of patients and carers (1, 2, 3, 4)
- provide consultancy to organisations to embed the skills and awareness of health literacy and patient information (2, 3, 4)
- work with information providers to improve the health and digital literacy skills, including digital navigation, in community settings such as public libraries, prisons and schools (3, 4)
- work with information providers to increase public access to evidence based patient, health and wellbeing information(3, 4)
- enhance the confidence and skills of knowledge and library staff in health literacy and patient information (4)