Health literacy and patient information workstream
More information about this workstream.
The workstream is led by Ruth Carlyle and Joanne Naughton.
Our focus is assure the quality of knowledge and library services, driving improvement and innovation, on behalf of patients, carers, families and the tax-payer.
Members of the team
Ruth Carlyle, Head of Knowledge and Library Services
Danielle Casson, Knowledge and Library Assistant
Noel Cudden, Knowledge and Library Services Development Manager
Joanne Naughton, Knowledge and Library Services Development Manager
Contact the Knowledge for Healthcare team on [email protected]
Workstream elements
- Develop national 5-year cross-sector partnership to embed health and digital literacy support for citizens.
- Collaborate on the development and hosting of health literacy training tools.
- Deliver health literacy train-the-trainer training.
- Collaborate on tools to improve citizens’ ability to assess reliability of health information”.
Go to page 35-6 of Knowledge for Healthcare 2021-6 to see the workstream's strategy and driver diagram.
For the driver diagram in an accessible format.
Page last reviewed: 3 November 2023