Talent Management FAQs
Talent management toolkitFrequently asked questions or ‘10 questions to help you’
1. What is the difference between a talent discussion and an annual review?
The talent discussion builds on the outcomes of an annual review. If a member of staff consistently exceeds expectations in terms of performance and attitude, you may consider them to have potential to grow in their role. A talent conversation helps support this and gives a framework for that person to gain exposure and opportunities to help this.
2. Do all my staff have to have a talent management conversation?
No. Only those who exceed expectations. It may only be 1 person.
3. How often should I have a talent management discussion?
You should hold an initial meeting and then review your discussion in 6 and 12 months.
4. What makes the discussion work?
Both sides need to be clear about why they are there and their expectations of the session. It is vital that both sides prepare, including making sure they are aware of any upcoming organisation or library specific frameworks programmes that may be available.
5. What kind of things should I talk about?
Discuss the interviewee’s performance and how this has led to them being identified as someone with potential. Talk to them about their career aspirations and how they would like to develop. Link your conversation to organisational and regional priorities.
Focus on the positives in their performance.
6. What does the interviewee do?
They should be prepared for the conversation – if they don’t prepare you might ask if they are committed to the process. They should be in a position to talk about their own development and how they would like to take full advantage of opportunities available to them.
7. Where should I hold the conversation?
It needs to be held in a private area with no distractions. Consider location, if you work in different areas. Be mindful of interruptions and distraction.
8. What information do I need?
Consider your own organisation, wider regional networks, including Health Education England and Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP).
Think about your organisational structure and who are the influential people who may be able to offer support.
9. How can they develop when I don’t have a budget?
Look at the ‘60 Ways to Develop’ document in Talent Management Toolkit. There are many other ways to learn than just attending a course.
10. What next?
Arrange a date to meet with the interviewee in 6 months to review progress. Make sure you keep in touch and be there as a source of support for your colleague
Page last reviewed: 15 June 2021