for use in searching.

Patient information and experience

Suggested guidance and tools for creating patient information:

Health literacy

These resources are suggested for searches requiring information about health literacy:

eLearning for Healthcare: Health Literacy programme - free online learning course for all NHS staff on creation of an account.

Health Education England: Health literacy ‘how to’ guide”.  See under the Health Literacy Toolkit section.

Learn My Way: Improving your health online - a free online course.

The Patients Association: Finding trustworthy information online

The Reading Agency: health-related reading list.

The University of Southampton’s “Health Literacy” tool:

Patient experience

These resources are suggested for searches requiring information about the experience of patients:

Patient information sources

These sources are suggested for searches requiring patient information:

See the full directory of all UK registered charities see the Charity Commission and this list of UK patient charities.

Reputable registered UK-based charities for specific conditions, for example:

Public health and wellbeing

These resources are suggested for searches requiring information about public health and wellbeing: