Podcasts and videos
Healthcare and the NHSOn this subject
99% Invisible (2020). Freedom House Ambulance Service. https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/freedom-house-ambulance-service/
This episode of 99% Invisible discusses the origin of the first paramedic and EMT service, Freedom House Ambulance Service, a black-run ambulance service serving a predominantly black district of Pittsburg in the 1960s.
The King’s Fund (2019). The King’s Fund podcast: Professor David Williams on racism, discrimination and the impact they have on health. https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/audio-video/podcast/david-williams-racism-discrimination-health
How do our life experiences shape our health? What can we do to tackle social inequalities?
This podcast features Professor David Williams from Harvard University and he talks about his research into the social influences on health and the interventions that could make a difference.
The King’s Fund (2019). The King’s Fund podcast: race equality in the NHS workforce. https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/audio-video/podcast/race-equality-nhs-workforce
What can be done about race inequality in the NHS workforce? How can we ensure representative leadership happens?
The King’s Fund podcast talks with Yvonne Coghill, Director at NHS England Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES); Dionne Daniel, Project Lead, Nursing Workforce Remodelling Research Project; and Ben Morrin, Director of Workforce at University College London Hospitals.
Roberts, D (2016). The problem with race-based medicine. TED talk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxLMjn4WPBY
Social justice advocate and law scholar Dorothy Roberts has a precise and powerful message: Race-based medicine is bad medicine. Even today, many doctors still use race as a medical shortcut; they make important decisions about things like pain tolerance based on a patient’s skin color instead of medical observation and measurement.
In this searing talk, Roberts lays out the lingering traces of race-based medicine — and invites us to be a part of ending it. “It is more urgent than ever to finally abandon this backward legacy,” she says, “and to affirm our common humanity by ending the social inequalities that truly divide us.”
Page last reviewed: 15 June 2021