Library book of revalidation
A case study about creating a booklet on revalidation resources for nurses.
Who wrote this case study?
Laura Wilkes [email protected] from West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust Library and Information Centre (2016).
Who asked?
Nursing Directorate.
What did they say?
The Nursing Directorate had started to promote nursing revalidation throughout the Trust on the trust intranet and through our weekly electronic staff newsletter, the Green Sheet.
However, it became apparent that although there was a lot of information circulating in the trust and in nursing literature about revalidation, none of that information had been gathered together in one place.
What did you do?
We began with an extensive display of revalidation resources and websites in the library, which we promoted widely in the Trust.

How did it help?
The booklet provides a one-stop shop not only for revalidation resources and guides on how to complete a revalidation, it also contains useful information about database searching and critical appraisal, and local training opportunities through the library.
It serves two main functions:
- to act as a guide and template for a successful revalidation.
- to act as a useful and effective promotional tool for library services.
Here is some of the feedback we received:
‘This is really great. We will print some copies and give out at our workshops.’ Clinical Practice and Education Coordinator Nursing and Governance
‘That’s really helpful’ Specialist Discharge Planning Lead
‘This is really good’ Executive Chief Nurse
June 2016