Appreciative inquiry
A tool to see the world in a different way.
A different way to see and be in the world, to learn and build on what we do well rather than focusing opon problems.
Appreciative Inquiry can generate ideas, energise changes and stimulate innovation on a large scale.
More information
This postcard describes the Appreciative Inquiry tool in words and pictures.
View the NHS Knowledge Mobilisation Framework elearning module on Appreciative Inquiry.
Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry, produced by NHS England, provides an excellent introduction to this method.
Appreciative Inquiry: how it works and how we've used it is an example of how this method has been used in the Midlands Leadership Academy.
Enjoying work - Appeciative Inquiry is another example of how this method was used within the Quality Improvement team at NHS East London NHS Foundation Trust.
Contact the Knowledge for Healthcare team on [email protected] for the postcard in an accessible format.
Page last reviewed: 5 April 2024