8 results

Tools and techniques Remove

Using an AI tool to assist with my role in health libraries

Published date: 28 May 2024
Author(s): Chris Rowlands
Blog post by Chris Rowlands on how he is using an AI tool to assist in his role in health libraries

Librarian involvement in systematic reviews - Michelle Maden webinar

Published date: 26 February 2024
Author(s): Sarah Gardner
About Michelle Maden's keynote at the International Clinical Librarian Conference 2023.

User satisfaction with the Hub and promotional messaging

Published date: 19 February 2024
Author(s): Alan Fricker
What users tells us can help us explain the Hub to them

Knowledge and Library Service Team Skills and Capacity Audit 

Published date: 22 June 2022
Author(s): Dom Gilroy - Workforce Planning and Development Group
Tools and resources to support staff skills and capacity audit

KNOWvember20 Showcase is underway

Published date: 16 November 2020
Author(s): Alison Day
About techniques to try out during Knowvember 2020