Health Libraries and Information Services Directory
HLISD is the definitive source of contact information for NHS libraries in England. The directory covers the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

The directory provides information about health libraries and information services in further and higher education, and libraries in government, professional bodies, and patient information and voluntary organisations.
If you need help updating your service’s HLISD entry, contact your regional editor. If you have suggestions for improvements to the directory, contact the HLISD team.
Managers of NHS-funded library services in England are asked to ensure that:
the entry for your service is accurate and up-to-date
all staff in the team who consent are included (as a minimum: name, job role and email address, which can be the generic email address for the service)
team members consent to having their contact details included is obtained and they are made aware of the HLISD Privacy Notice which explains how their personal data is kept; they have the right not to have their details included
individuals’ contact details are removed from HLISD if they request it, or if they leave
HLISD is jointly funded by Health Education England and the CILIP Health Libraries Group.
A board oversees the management and development of HLISD.
An API is being developed so that HLISD can interoperate with other systems.
Page last reviewed: 20 October 2023