About the e-book user research undertaken by Lagom.

HEE commissioned Lagom Strategy to undertake user research about the use of e-books amongst healthcare staff on behalf of the five nations.

It covered the needs of healthcare staff in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

The research engaged with both users and non-users across these five nations, exploring interactions with e-books and pain points.

14 remote interviews were conducted, with the majority of these taking place over Zoom. They also ran a remote user workshop. 

This helped us to gain a deeper understanding of the type of users accessing e-books and what their interactions with these typically look like.

The user needs identified by this qualitative research was then validated with users through an online survey. 

The research revealed a high level of satisfaction amongst users of e-books, as well as a particularly high level of need.  

The findings will be used to inform policy and practice across the five nations.

See Lagon's e-book user research report.