Content selection criteria
For HEE funded Digital Knowledge Resources.
Selection criteria are high level criteria used at the start of the procurement process to guide our decisions about which resources to seek quotes, and then to select and justify the final resources purchased.
This resource will contribute to a collection which supports our aim to provide the NHS workforce in England access to resources which support the range of NHS functions, specialisms and priorities.
This resource supports our focus on resources which healthcare and knowledge professionals regard as being of high quality. Key indicators of quality are currency, authority (peer-reviewed content, expert editors) and relevance.
Value for money
There is evidence that:
- central or collaborative procurement of this resource provides a clear discount on local procurement
- if this resource were not purchased centrally or collaboratively, many organisations would seek to purchase it locally
- current or anticipated usage of this resource indicates that full text cost per download is/will be less than the cost of access via document delivery
This resource is likely to be readily discoverable via multiple routes, including the NICE-provided infrastructure and current/future alternative routes.
Recommended by KLS
A significant number of KLS think it is essential or highly desirable to include this resource amongst those purchased centrally.
It makes sense to continue to make procure this resource centrally/collaboratively, because it meets other criteria and there is dependence on its continued availability/discontinuation would have a significant adverse impact.
Page last reviewed: 15 June 2021