Brief guidance on using the C3 impact case study template.

It is suggested that this case study template is used either as an alternative to impact questionnaire. 

This may be particularly useful in cases where it is already known that information provided in response to a particular enquiry has had a significant impact on the organisation and that there is a good ‘story’ to tell.

The template may also be used as a supplement to the impact questionnaire. For example where individual responses to the survey suggest there is an interesting story to tell in terms of impact.

It can be used alongside the interview resources as a way of documenting the impact stories as they arise.

They can be stored on an intranet or website for completion by library users or e-mailed as and when required.


We are required by HEE to publish documents in an accessible format. 

We will only be accepting case studies submitted using the new format from July 2021 as the new website is launched.

A completed template (C2) is provided as a guide to how to complete the template document.

Time and cost savings

When asking about time savings and cost savings it is especially powerful for advocacy and marketing purposes to be able to quote a specific cost saving (eg: £10,000) If the specific cost saving has not been calculated please ask the interviewee to provide an informed estimate of cost savings. 

If time has been saved how much time is it, and what level of staff, were involved (consultant / nurse, etc.)  If other impacts have been acknowledged then obtain enough detail to be able to tell the story of how specifically “Patient Care” (or other factors) have been improved.