Health literacy College Staff
Organisation: United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS FT
Contact name: Sinead Stringwell
Contact email: [email protected]
Date completed: June 2020, updated November 2022
Short summary of the initiative/project
Attending LATFest at Lincoln College (FE College) to speak to teaching and support staff about health information.
How did you get started? Any tips to share?
I know the librarian at the College from being in a regional network. I approached them to see if there would be an interest in health literacy (especially with the Health and Social Care students).
Who did you work with?
College Librarian and organiser of the LATFest event (mini conference for the staff at the College).
What happened?
I was able to have a stall in the Marketplace to speak to staff attending LATFest. This was early in the morning and through the lunch break. Staff then attended sessions in the morning and afternoon. I spoke to them about health information and health literacy. The information was useful for themselves or to signpost their students. For example the exercise and nutrition resources were of interest to the sports tutors / the easy read resources were of interest to ESOL tutors.
What next?
Speaking to some of the support staff / health and social care teaching staff I made some connections and I possibly will go to speak to students about health literacy and health information (how to find good quality information). I am already provisionally booked to speak to the Access to HE students in September / October about health literacy.
Page last reviewed: 1 December 2022
Next review due: 12 December 2023