A summary of the levers for change which we can all use to promote the difference that your knowledge and library services make to healthcare.


Health and Care Bill 2021.


Knowledge for Healthcare 2021-26.

NHS Long Term Plan.

NHS Long Term Workforce Plan.

Topol Review.


NHS Education Funding Agreement 2024-27. Schedule 1, section 5: Knowledge and Library Services (Placement Providers) sets out requirements.

Digital transformation

What Good Looks Like framework: Success measure 6 - Improve care.
Your ICS embeds digital and data within their improvement capability to transform care pathways, reduce unwarranted variation and improve health and wellbeing. Digital solutions enhance services for patients and ensure that they get the right care when they need it and in the right place across the whole ICS. 


Library Quality and Improvement Outcomes Framework.


Value proposition

The Gift of Time.

Professional development

Equitable funding for KLS staff training and development.

Funded innovations 

  • temporary funding for vanguard Knowledge Specialists in Training Hubs 
  • local funding for specific purposes including place-based initiatives 


Concordat on digital resources. 

What are we working on right now?

Integrated care systems

Preparing a template ICS business case for local customisation. 

CQC assessment 

We continue to liaise ref. new inspection and assessment frameworks. 

Funding NHS knowledge and library services in England policy

Agreed by HEE, these recommendations are offered as indicative guidance on minimum funding arrangements.