For the latest news and best practice from and about NHS Knowledge and Library Services.
148 results
Mobilising Evidence and Knowledge: a retrospect
Published date:
23 December 2020
Alison Day
Reflecting on the Mobilising Evidence and Knowledge workstream
Quality and Impact in 2020: The Value of Knowledge and Library Services
Published date:
21 December 2020
Clare Edwards
Reflection on the Quality and Impact workstream in 2020
Workforce planning and development 2020
Published date:
18 December 2020
David Stewart
Reflections on the work of the Workforce Planning and Development workstream in 2020
2020 and Covid-19: library and knowledge services getting evidence into practice
Published date:
16 December 2020
Jayne Lees
The impact of COVID-19 on knowledge and library services
2020: Reflections from HEE’s Resource Discovery Team
Published date:
11 December 2020
Helen Bingham
Reflections on the work of the Resource Discovery workstream in 2020