148 results

Implementing the BMJ Best Practice desktop icon

Published date: 18 January 2022
Author(s): Lucy Reid
About how to add the BMJ Best Practice icon to your desktop

To err is human

Published date: 10 January 2022
Author(s): Susan Smith, Knowledge and Library Services Project Manager (Digital and Data Science module development) Health Education England
Permission to fail is important when exploring new technologies and ways of working.

Mobilising Evidence and Knowledge – a lasting gift

Published date: 24 December 2021
Author(s): Alison Day
2021 has been an exciting year for our work around mobilising evidence and knowledge. We have continued to raise our profile and were delighted that NHS library and knowledge professionals were recognised by Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England. December is a traditional time to reflect and also look forward to what is to come. We would like to take this opportunity to summarise and recycle some previous thinking and give you a flavour of some of the work underway.

#KNOWvember21: reflecting and the road ahead

Published date: 30 November 2021
Author(s): Alison Day
Reflecting on #KNOWvember21 and identifying opportunities to use our expertise

Knowledge from data

Published date: 15 November 2021
Author(s): Susan Smith
I wonder how many Knowledge & Library Services deal with data science?