For the latest news and best practice from and about NHS Knowledge and Library Services.
148 results
The difference that KLS staff can make #7
Published date:
23 May 2023
Gill Young
Post from a HEE supported student on the UCL Health Module about anti-racism and health information.
The difference that KLS staff can make #6
Published date:
23 May 2023
Gill Young
Post from a HEE supported student on the UCL Health Module about a call for action for transgender people.
The difference that KLS staff can make #5
Published date:
23 May 2023
Gill Young
Post from a HEE supported student on the importance of health literacy.
The difference that KLS staff can make #4
Published date:
23 May 2023
Gill Young
Post from a HEE supported student on the UCL Health Module about the use of TokTok for improving health literacy.
Research repositories and grey literature: what does user research tell us?
Published date:
12 May 2023
Helene Gorring
About user research on research repositories and grey literature