Recent additions to National Core Content
About new electronic resources recently added to National Core Content
All are accessible via NHS OpenAthens and discoverable via the NHS Knowledge Hub as well as via the links below.
See the full list of the e-resources purchased nationally by HEE.
Social Policy and Practice
This bibliographic database from Ovid is the first social care specific resource included in the HEE-funded national collection.
It brings together indexes of published and grey literature provided by six UK organisations, including Social Care Institute for Excellence.
Aimed at practitioners and commissioners, its coverage includes children and young people, older adults, disabilities, equalities, safeguarding and social work.
Paul Lee, Librarian at South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust subscribed to SP&P locally before the national subscription became available:
“I find it useful for literature searches in areas where societal issues impinge on mental health, such as adoption and fostering, looked after children, nursing homes and housing. It’s got a UK focus, and includes book chapters and grey literature as well as journal articles.”
Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry (14th edition)

Maudsley Prescribing Guidlines in Psychiatry is regarded as an essential guide for psychiatrists, pharmacists and other prescribers in mental health.
It is included in the national collection in response to requests from many mental health librarians.
Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures (10th edition)

Before being purchased nationally, the Royal Marsden Manual was the e-resource most purchased by local NHS library services.
This latest 10th edition covers over 250 clinical nursing skills and procedures and includes interactive functionality.
Kortext e-book collections
Since launch of the original regional collections in 2020, four further themed collections of e-books have been purchased from Kortext, all titles having been selected in consultation with librarians.
Following inclusion of the Diversity and Inclusion (23 titles) and Sustainability (27 titles) collections in 2021, the newest collections focus on Primary Care (30 titles) and on Resilience and Wellbeing (21 titles).
Promoting these and other resources
Don’t forget that marketing materials to help you promote these and other resources locally are available on the NHS Knowledge for Healthcare promotional resources workspace.
Do let us know if you have additional design ideas!