How to get involved in CILIP@s Technology Review

CILIP has announced a new project to prepare the library, information and knowledge workforce for the opportunities afforded by new technologies including Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics and Process Automation. These are the technologies which are collectively shaping the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’.

The aim is to undertake a landmark piece of research and deliver recommendations that will facilitate the transformation of the library and information profession into a ‘future-ready’ workforce over the next 5 years through CILIP’s Workforce Strategy.

CILIP would like answers to the following question: How are machine learning, AI, robotics and process automation likely to change the roles and functions of the library, information and knowledge workforce across sectors over the next decade? Our aim is to create a report that may help answer questions like these with recommendations and issues to consider to help guide CILIP and the information and knowledge workforce.

CILIP are seeking case studies to inform their research. It would be great for the Health LIS sector to be involved and represented in this endeavour.

Are you, or any services you know of, currently using or working towards implementing any ‘new; and emerging technologies – such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics and Process Automation – then please share your case study.

The final report will be overseen by an Editorial Group, chaired by CILIP CEO Nick Poole, and will be published in the Spring of 2021. The overall project is being Chaired by Sue Lacey Bryant, National Lead for NHS Knowledge and Library Services at Health Education England (HEE).

Mr Dominic Gilroy


Deputy Head of KLS

Knowledge and Library Services